Gardening is a passion for many and is considered a healthy one as it is not just good for your physical fitness but also the connection you make with your plants can make you mentally happy. Having said that, it is not safe completely, if you are not careful as you need to handle a lot of tools to maintain your garden and if not used the right way, you may injure yourself. In fact, thousands of people get injured while gardening every year, hence we have come up with a few simple safety tips that can help you pursue your hobby while staying uninjured.

1. Wear the Right Gear:
Like every other outdoor hobby, with gardening it is also recommended that you wear the right clothing to protect you. Wear gardening gloves that will protect your hands from directly coming in contact with sharp tools, fertilisers, pesticides, fungi and bacteria. Use a face mask when you are using pesticide or fertiliser or if you suffer from asthma or allergies. Use a high gardening boot to protect your feet from gardening tools, insects or any unwanted critters that enter the garden. Wear a sunglass to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.
2. Warm-Up:
Gardening is like a workout which needs a lot of your physical strength which is why just like you do before any other workout, stretch and warm-up. Walk around the garden for a few minutes and maybe stretch on your lawn to get ready to do the tedious task of gardening.
3. Avoid Bending:
Bending, again and again, can throw off your back, which is why use the kneeling tactics instead. You can wear a knee pad for this purpose, which will make it much easier and comfortable for you to work.
4. Avoid Repetitive Motions:
Doing something repeatedly like digging, trimming, planting, and raking may make you tired, irritate you're nerves or tendons. Mix things up by switching tasks every 10-15 minutes and make sure to take a break after each task.
5. Lift Objects Carefully:
During gardening, you may need to move around heavy objects frequently that may cause an injury if you are not careful. Better arrange for a mini trolley that can be pushed around easily. If that is not possible, lift heavy objects close to your body to reduce strain caused to your back.
6. Look for Insects and Ticks:
One thing that you should be worried about while gardening is bringing indoors insects and ticks. Ticks are particularly dangerous as they may cause serious illness such as Lyme disease if you are not careful. This is why you should change your clothes and take a head bath after you have been gardening. You can also apply repellents before you garden to prevent tick bites.
7. Block the Sun:
You may be working directly under the sun. Either wait for the sun's direction to change or work under the shed of a tree. Also, do not forget to apply a sunscreen before you head out to avoid UV exposure as much as possible.
8. Stay Hydrated:
As gardening is an outdoor task and can at times be strenuous work, you may sweat a lot. Hence you should always carry a bottle with you and keep sipping water to keep yourself hydrated throughout the gardening process.
9. Use Essential Tools:
Doing everything by using your hands can be a very tedious task, which is why we always recommend using garden equipment that can make things easier and help you do the task in hand. If you are an avid gardener, investing in useful equipment is always beneficial in the long run. Use essential tools like a shovel for digging soil or a battery powered cordless chainsaw to cut branches or tree.
10. Be Safe Around Garden Equipments
The most common cause of gardening injury is the incorrect use of gardening equipment. First things first, keep them away from children as it can be really dangerous for them. If you are still using the electric type equipment unplug them when not in use as the wire itself can be a tripping hazard in the garden. Which is why our cordless garden tools, which are also eco-friendly, can not just eliminate the hazard but also help in maintaining a cleaner atmosphere.

Warrior Eco battery powered cordless garden tools come with no leads or air polluting petrol. They are fast charging so you need not look for an electrical output near the area you wish to use the equipment. This makes it safer as well as easy to use.
11. Use Chemicals Carefully:
You may need to use certain chemicals to get rid of pests. Read the label carefully and learn about the chemical before you use it. Keep it away from pets and children. Read a review or ask the local store before you apply it on your garden as the fumes can be harmful to both yourself, family or your pets.
12. Check Outdoor Temperature:
Before you start the work, check the temperature outside to avoid working in excessive heat. Even if you plan on working for a short time, if it is too hot, wait for the temperature to go down. When you stay out, you should try to work under the shadow. Also, keep hydrating yourself by drinking liquids which contain salt and sugar. Eat healthy food after work to make you feel energetic again.
13. Take Tetanus Shot:
Take a Tetanus shot if you plan on gardening as it can help to protect you from various diseases. Have a shot every 10 years or as recommended. As you are working directly with soil and sometimes come into contact with other contaminated materials which can contain the tetanus bacteria which may enter your body causing illness. As a gardener you need to always be aware of this and lessen the risk of ill health.
14. Be Ready with a First Aid:
Small injuries are inevitable during gardening, which is why keep a first aid kit handy and tend to your injuries immediately without delay. Clean any wound and cover the cut before you get back to gardening.

The Bottom Line- Do Not Forget to Enjoy Your Garden.
Gardening is not just about toiling every day to grow beautiful plants but to enjoy it as well. While you may love working in your garden, do not forget to kick off the gardening boots and just enjoy a drink or two while chilling on a garden bench and taking in all the nature's beauty you have helped to create. Remember not to miss experiencing the retreat you have created.